Chlamydia is one of the most common |STD's| in the United States today. Almost 5 million people are infected with this disease each year. Chlamydia is a germ that commonly infects the |cervix| and may spread to the |uterus| and the fallopian tubes. How You Get It: The disease is passed on through sex, including oral sex with an infected person. It is easier to get chlamydia if a condom is not used. Chlamydia often occurs with other |STD's|, especially |gonorrhea|. How It Is Transmitted: Chlamydia is transmitted by passing germs (bacteria) from one person to another when having sex. What It Looks Like - What The Symptoms Are: Chlamydia frequently doesn't cause any signs that are visible. Sometimes it does. Visible signs appear in 1 to 3 weeks after having sex with an infected person. Men may see a yellow discharge from the penis or a slight crusting at the tip of the penis. They can also experience severe burning during urination. Women may see a yellowish discharge from the |vagina| or feel pain in the |stomach|. Women can also experience severe burning during urination. How You Get Tested For It: A healthcare provider will collect a sample from the penis or |vagina| to be sent out for culture. This will take a few days. They will also use clinical indicators to determine if chlamydia exists. This will require an exam of the |cervix| or penis and indication of discharge. Treatments: Chlamydia is treatable and can be cured. ~Antibiotics~ will be given to kill the bacteria. If Left Untreated: Would result in serious ~infections~. Women would be extremely vulnerable to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and possible sterility. Prevention: Use a condom and spermicide (nonoxynol-9).